Year 5 – Giraffes

Welcome to the Year 5 Giraffe class page! Our class teacher is Mrs Oyston and we are supported by Mrs Gray.

In Giraffe class we try our very best in all that we do. Every day, we learn new and exciting things and we always push ourselves to tackle new learning and concepts while having fun.

We are very lucky as not only do we learn exciting things in our core subjects of English, Maths and Science, we also have the opportunity for subject specialists to come in and teach us fabulous new skills.  We have a specialist PE coach and a specialist dance teacher. We also have music specialists, In Harmony, who come in to teach us how to play musical instruments as part of our exciting curriculum. We also get to learn a new language in Spanish with our expert language teacher.

We love reading and know it is very important that we read at home as much as possible and to bring our reading folders every day. We get spellings at the beginning of each week and practise them for our spelling test on the following Monday. Homework also gets sent out on a Monday to be completed for the following Friday. We would love for parents to help with this as much as possible and our door is always open to ask for help if it is needed.

During autumn half term our work is linked around the South America and the Amazon rainforest. We look at locating South America and learn about deforestation of the rainforest as well as its effects through our enquiry based learning question: ‘What are the consequences if we do not stop deforestation?’ In history we link our learning to the Ancient Mayan civilisation exploring how they lived, evidence that has been found to support this and how they used the land to live within South America.  During the spring term our topic is Ancient Greece where we will get to learn about life in Ancient Greece and ask our EBL question: ‘How did the ancient Greeks impact the modern world?’

During the summer term we explore the topic of our local area getting the opportunity to learn about our area past and present as well as exploring our local quayside and the river Tyne answering our EBL question ‘How has the river Tyne changed over time?’ as well as looking at the significance of the bridges across our river Tyne on our community throughout the years.


You can keep up to date with what is happening in our class on classroom dojo.


Year 5 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25