Year 4 – Dolphins

Welcome to the Year 4 Dolphins class page.

We are one of two Year 4 classes here at Bridgewater, led by our teacher Mr Bishop and supported by our wonderful TA, Miss Duggan. We are also taught by two other fantastic teachers, Miss Sharrat on a Monday, and Ms Fareed on a Friday afternoon.

Overall we are a hardworking, dedicated group who take pride in our work whilst having a ton of fun on the way. We hold curiosity as a key value and always ask lots of questions. We also hold transparency and honesty in high regards, understanding that mistakes are not only to be expected, but are a crucial part of our learning journey. We want all to feel welcomed, supported, and empowered.

Our weeks are busy, with a wide range of different activities. We do a lot of exercise such as friendly but competitive sports in PE, and tricky, showstopping choreography in Dance, both of which are delivered by highly talented, dedicated proffessionals. Luckily enough, we have made links with a local, award-winning contemporary dance theatre company, balletLORENT, who are very kindly conducting a few workshops with us as well as sneaky showcases of upcoming productions during the Autumn term. Year 4 at Bridgewater means we begin our swimming lessons, each week on a Thursday, which we are absolutely loving so far! We are also fortunate enough tto continue learning a modern foreign language, Spanish, whilst we hone our vocal talents and musical understanding in singing. These weekly, full class singing lessons often result in school performances during celebrated times of the year, as well as extra curricular experiences like choir. Speaking of music, twice a week we learn and practise with our musical instruments from flutes to cellos, from violas to clarinets, all in thanks to our passionate In Harmony teachers.

As well as all of these exciting events we also enjoy doing English, Maths, Science, History and Geography . In English we base our learning around a class reader; this year we will be reading many texts including: ‘The Frog Prince Continued…’, ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘The Pebble in my pocket’ are just a few. In Maths, we will use all four operations and are developing our problem solving and reasoning skills. In Science we are looking forward to carrying out lots of investigations and learning about light, electricity, living things, sound and the digestive system. This year our topics include: Stone Age to Iron Age, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Norway and around the world.

We need to remember to bring our reading folders backwards and forwards to school each day so that everyone can read in class each day. We feel that it is important to work on our reading at home too and try our best to get better and better.

We have been set a challenge of trying to read 100 books before leaving Year 4. Who will read the most?

This year we will continue to learn about the zones of regulation. We will work on identifying how we are feeling and what we can do to get ourselves in the ready to work zone.

Don’t forget, all Year 4 children will do an online assessment of their times tables knowledge in the summer term.

We have access to times tables rockstars. Remember to ask how fast we can answer our times tables. Your child should have brought a copy of logins home so that they can go on Education city, prodigy, read theory, seesaw, activelearn primary, spelling shed. Please use the websites to support your child’s learning.

We will continue to share with you using Class Dojo. Please check that you are still signed up with Class Dojo for your child.


A few reminders:


Most weeks will be In Harmony and we will finish at 3:30.


P.E. – trainers please


Library to change our books


Swimming – a towel, a swimming costume and a bag. We will be back to school by 3:30. Please collect from next to the car park.


Most weeks will be In Harmony and we will finish at 3:30.


Year 4 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25