Year 3 – Elephants

Welcome to the Year 3 Elephant Class! Our class teacher is Mr Navin and we are supported by Miss Purvis.

In the Elephant class we like to make sure learning is fun and engaging while pushing ourselves to try our very best in all that we do. Every day, we endeavour to have a Growth Mind-Set when it comes to tackling new challenges.

We are very lucky in our school. Not only do we learn exciting things in our core subjects of English, Maths and Science, we also have the opportunity for subject specialists to come in and teach us fabulous new skills. We have a specialist PE coach, a fantastic Dance teacher, music experts who will be teaching us how to play a wide range of instruments and we get to learn a whole new language in Spanish!

In the autumn term we will be learning all about the Roman invasion of Britain which links perfectly with our Geography topic of Italy in the spring term and our research into the local area in the summer when, among other things we will be looking at how the Romans and Italians have influenced our culture.

We will continue to become excellent scientist and mathematicians by investigating the amazing patterns and phenomena that surround us. While, coming up with our own theories and ideas and learning how to explain and justify our thinking and reasoning.

Reading is fundamental! We all know it is very important that we read as much as possible. Some of the exciting books we will be exploring this year include the inspiring ‘After the Fall’ by Dan Santat, the hilarious ‘The Wolves in the Wall’ by Neil Gaiman and the magical ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Grahame Baker-Smith.

Please encourage your child to read at home and remind them to bring their reading folders in every day. PE is on a Thursday so please make sure you wear trainers.

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Mr. Navin via Dojo.


Year 3 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25