Year 3 – Tigers

Welcome to the Tigers class page! Our class teacher is Mrs Downs and she is supported by Miss Dakers. In the Tigers we have lots of fun, but we also work extremely hard!

We really love reading in the Tigers class and we know how important it is to bring our reading folders to school every day. We get spellings every Friday and practise them for our spelling test on the following Friday. Homework also goes out on Friday to be completed for the following Friday. We would love for parents to help with this as much as possible.

We enjoy a wide range of subjects. In English, we read George’s Marvellous Medicine, The Day the Crayons Quit, The Snowman, After the Fall and The Last Bear. We work very hard in Maths and we are working towards getting all of our times table badges, Times Tables Rockstars is a really good way to practice!

We are very lucky in our school! Not only do we have lots of exciting lessons we also have subject specialists who come in to teach us. We enjoy our PE lessons every Tuesday with our coach Adam. On Tuesdays we learn Spanish with Mrs Bennaceur which is great fun! We continue to do In Harmony lessons with the teachers from The Glasshouse, we do the lessons as a whole year group every Monday and Friday but also get small group lessons throughout the week.


Year 3 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25