Year 2 – Seals

Welcome to the Seals class. We are the oldest children in Key Stage 1 as we are 6 and 7 years old.  Our teacher is called Mrs Dawson.

We have lots of fun in the Seals class and learn lots of new things every day. We have daily English, Maths, Read Write Inc, spelling and Grammar/Punctuation lessons. We are also taught lots of other subjects such as P.E., History, Geography, R.E., PSHE, Computing, D.T., Science and Art. We are very lucky to work with our P.E. coach, dance teacher and our music teachers from ‘In Harmony’. We are part of an exciting project with the Glasshouse in Gateshead and we are learning to play violins, violas and cellos. We also learn some Spanish in Year 2 with our Spanish teacher, Miss Bennaceur.

We are expected to bring our book folder to school every day and make an effort to read some/all of our reading book every night with our parents/carers. We get weekly spellings to learn and homework every week too which is linked to what we have been learning in school.

Our topics this year are Our Local Area, Victorian Children, The Great Fire, Australia and Grace Darling.


Year 2 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25