Year 2 – Penguins

Welcome to the Penguins class page.

The children in the Penguins class are 6 and 7 years old, we are the oldest children in Key Stage 1. Our teacher’s name is Mr Moralee and he is supported in class by Mrs Vincent. We have daily English, Maths and Read, Write Inc sessions and we read each day after our lunch. The Penguins class also take part in other exciting lessons such as: PE, science, history, geography, RE, art and computing.

We love to read at Bridgewater! All children should bring their reading folders into school each day and we ask you to encourage your child to read some of their book at home each night. The Penguins class get spellings each week (Friday) and also homework in our homework folders that show our parents some of the things that we have learnt during the week (Friday). We take part in three ‘In Harmony’ session a week, where we learn to play the cello, violin and viola (Tuesday –2.30-3.30, Wednesday – 12.30-1.00 and Friday – 12:30-1;00).

As a class we are involved in lots of exciting activities every week. We enjoy working with our PE coach, Adam. Additionally, Mrs Bennaceur helps us to learn Spanish, where we sing songs and play games to help us develop our language skills.

We like to make learning fun in the Penguins and we all try our best to achieve the best that we can to become successful citizens. Every week we focus on one of the ‘Secrets of Success’ and whether the theme of the week is concentrate, imagine or try new things, we all join in to try improve our skills.


Year 2 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25