Year 1 – Pandas

Welcome to the year 1 Pandas class!  Our class teacher is Mrs Watson and our class teaching assistant is Miss Whitfield.

In year 1 our children have access to play based learning alongside more formal approaches using both the indoor and outdoor environments.  We have daily English, maths and Read Write Inc phonics sessions and we read every day after lunch.  We develop our creativity and thinking skills by following an enquiry based curriculum and learning other subjects such as; history, geography, art, design technology, religious education, PHSE, Spanish and science.

Throughout the year our learning is enhanced through trips to different environments, for example, the local church, library, farm, city centre and museum.  We also welcome a number of visitors to support our learning.

Our topics include:

  • All about me.
  • Famous people and places.
  • Plants and animals.

We have PE lessons every week delivered by a visiting coach who helps us develop gross motor skills through fun activities both indoors and outdoors.  We are also very lucky to have two ‘In Harmony’ music sessions a week, taught by specialist music teachers from the Glasshouse International Centre for Music.

We value reading at Bridgewater and every child is encouraged to read at home daily to develop their reading skills and a love for reading.  We often share children’s favourite books from home and listen to stories in class.

Children are provided with a reading folder to hold their reading book, reading record, homework and phonic homework packs, which they must bring to school every day.  Children are set weekly homework tasks based on what we have been learning in school, as well as spellings to learn.

Year 1 children complete the statutory phonic test in the summer term.


Year 1 Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25