Reception – Polar Bears

Welcome to the Polar Bears Reception class page!

Our teacher is Miss Bond and Mrs McCarthy is our EYP. Miss Canavan works in our class as a teaching assistant. Teacher PPA time is covered by Mrs Pickering.

The 4 and 5 year old children in our class follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and learn through a mix of child initiated play activities as well as adult directed tasks and small group times.

We have such a busy time in Reception! Here are just some of the things the children learn to do:

– Read and write

– Develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10 including counting, subitising and recalling number bonds

– Work co-operatively with others

– Explore creative media

– Develop their imagination and language skillsThe themes we follow throughout the year are based on the children’s interests.  They include:

  • Who do you think you are?
  • How do you celebrate?
  • Do all traditional tales live happily ever after?
  • Where do mini beasts live?

We are very lucky to have two ‘In Harmony’ music sessions a week, taught by specialist music teachers from The Glasshouse International Centre for Music.

We have a fantastic outdoor area which we use in all weathers thanks to our wellies and waterproof clothing.

As you can see we work hard and learn lots in Reception and of course have great fun along the way!


Reception Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25