ARP – Koalas

In the ARP the children learn through play based activities that are planned to capture the children’s interests. During the course of the day learning will take place through a combination of small group sessions led by an adult, individual teaching and periods of child initiated activities where children are supported by adults to extend their learning through their own interests.

The ARP children follow an Early Years Curriculum, or a differentiated National Curriculum depending on their age and developmental stage. Each child has a Support Plan which clearly sets out the child’s strengths, areas to develop and the support given.

When appropriate, children in the ARP have regular opportunities to interact and learn alongside their peers within a mainstream class.

We aim to create a supportive, caring and warm environment in the ARP where the children are encouraged to develop independence and confidence. We love to celebrate their progress and achievements and see them grow in confidence and independence.


Koalas Parent Pamphlet – Spring 25