Year 6 Enquiry Based Learning
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for autumn 2024,What is the significance of Newcastle Castle and Keep to the city of Newcastle?, has been captured in the following two class documents.
Year 6 Leopards EBL Autumn 2024
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for summer 2024,What were the greatest achievements of Ancient Egypt?, has been captured in the following two class documents.
Year 6 Leopards EBL Summer 2024
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for spring 2024, What is voltage and how does it affect the brightness of a bulb?, has been captured in the following two class documents.
Year 6 Leopards EBL Spring 2024
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for autumn 2023, What is the significance of Newcastle Castle and Keep to Newcastle City?, has been captured in the following two class documents.
Year 6 Leopards EBL Autumn 2023
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for summer 2023, What were the greatest achievements of Ancient Egypt?”, has been captured in the following two class documents.
Y6 Leopard Class Summer EBL 2023
Y6 Zebra Class Summer EBL 2023
Year 6’s enquiry based learning for spring 2023, What is voltage and how does it affect the brightness of a bulb?, has been captured in the following two class documents.