Calendar & News

Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.

School Calendar

Football Tournament Winners!

May 20, 2015

Winners of the Year 5 Football Tournament yesterday. Our Year 5s and 6s are beating everyone they come up against recently. Well done boys!

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Enterprise Week

May 18, 2015

This week at Bridgewater is our annual Enterprise week. Ask your child(ren) all about it to find out exactly what they are getting up it. We have a range of visitors attending to speak to the children about different jobs; dragon’s den style sessions; a fair for the pupils and various other workshops.

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Never Felt So Good

May 14, 2015

Never Felt So Good

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Year 6 SATs

May 13, 2015

Well done so far to our Year 6 children. 3 days of SATs down, 1 to go. Keep up the hard work and focus; you do us all proud.

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Scotswood’s Bridgewater School Receives Glowing Ofsted Reports

May 11, 2015

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iPad kindly purchased by Friends of Bridgewater

May 7, 2015

The iPad kindly purchased by Friends of Bridgewater is available for use from today. It will be specifically used in school for intervention work and then available in after-school club. This will be a learning tool but also something which brings much enjoyment. It will compliment the stock of iPads we already have at Bridgewater, […]

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Newcastle West End Primary School Success Story Grows

May 6, 2015

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This week at Bridgewater

May 5, 2015

Tuesday Ballet for Year 1 French for Key Stage 2 Seeds for Life for Year 4   Wednesday Young Writers Workshop for Year 5 Italian Tin Whistle for Year 4   Thursday PE event The usual after-school clubs   Friday Swimming for Year 4 Blogging Club and Reading Club

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Chicken Coop is in Place and Inhabited!

April 24, 2015

View our Facebook page for photographs.

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National Share-a-Story Month 2015

April 22, 2015

In May we are taking part in ‘National Share-a-Story Month 2015’. The theme for this year is Dragons! It is a celebration of the power of storytelling and story sharing, bringing children and stories together. To find out more, visit

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