Calendar & News

Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.

School Calendar

School Closure – Thursday 1st March

February 28, 2018

Unfortunately the school will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday 1st March. A further update will be posted later tomorrow.

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School Closure

February 28, 2018

Due to the increasingly (& continued) bad weather we have made the reluctant decision to close the school today. We will keep you updated.

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Hedgehogs had fun this morning sledging!

February 27, 2018

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Gymnastics – Honey Bees

February 26, 2018

The Honey Bees class (Year 4) had great fun using their bodies to form letters in gymnastics this morning. The whole class worked as a team to form the word ‘Bridgewater’. Bridgewater Gymnastics Photo

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Visit from the Fire Brigade

February 26, 2018

Our 0-3 children were very fortunate to receive a visit from the Fire Brigade last week.

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Royal Northern Sinfonia Concert

February 26, 2018

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In Harmony Newsletter – Spring 2018

February 23, 2018

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Art in Hippos Class

February 6, 2018

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Half-Term NUFC Soccer Schools

February 6, 2018

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Fizz Inflators!

January 24, 2018

As part of our investigating materials and their changes science topic, Giraffes (Year 5) have been conducting an experiment this week which investigates how much gas is produced when an irreversible change occurs. To do this we created Fizz Inflators creating a reaction by mixing bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice to create carbon dioxide.

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