Calendar & News
Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.
Artwork Unveil at DAC Beachcroft
November 30, 2018
The children were delighted to be able to visit DAC Beachcroft’s Newcastle office to see the artwork they produced displayed on a very large wall when you first enter the offices. We were also given a tour of the workplace, told a little about what work takes place there and then treated to pizza!
School Consultation – Admissions
October 26, 2018
Consultation on school admission arrangements 2020-2021 Bridgewater is undertaking a consultation on our admissions policy as a whole and we would highlight the one addition relating to the admission of children adopted from care outside of England within the policy. We are carrying out this consultation in order for our existing arrangement to be reviewed and updated. Anyone […]
Harvest Donations
October 24, 2018
Harvest donations are being collected from today. All items gratefully received. They will be donated to the People’s Kitchen. Here is a photo from some of your generous donations 4 years ago. Thank you for your continued support.
Bags of Help
October 22, 2018
Please can we ask a massive favour! We were delighted to be notified that our Bags of Help application has been successful and will go forward to a vote in Tesco Stores. Voting will take place from Thursday 1st November to Monday 31st December 2018. The project with the highest number of votes across our region […]
The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
October 18, 2018
You can support the Poppy Appeal at Bridgewater. Not only do we have poppies this year but also some other great items. Available from the main reception.