Calendar & News

Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.

School Calendar

City of Dreams

September 26, 2018


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Get Reading. Keep Reading. Change Everything.

September 17, 2018

  We are a “Get Reading. Keep Reading. Change Everything.” school. We use the highly successful Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell. Our children do well in the phonics screening check and by Year 2, the majority are fluent readers with the best chance of success in the KS1 tests. Ruth […]

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Achievement & Attendance Assembly

July 18, 2018

We are celebrating some brilliant achievements and excellent attendance at our end of year assemblies this morning. We are delighted to be joined by the High Sheriff of Tyne & Wear, Paul Callaghan. So many certificates, trophies and medals to hand out to the children. Very well done to everyone.   

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Summer Term in our 0-3 Setting

July 11, 2018

We have had a busy time in 0-3s in the summer term. We had a royal wedding, built the Angel of the North using sticks and for enterprise week children dressed up in outfits depicting the jobs they could do when they grow up. We had an accountant, a Teacher, a vet, and many others […]

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My Story, My Place, My Future – Great Exhibition of the North

June 25, 2018

Our reception children took part in a Trust wide reading project called ‘My Story, My Place, My Future’. They read lots of books about different children from different places with different life experiences. Inspired by their reading they produced artwork about themselves, what they enjoy and what makes them unique. Last Friday they went to […]

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Nursery visit Wyevale

June 15, 2018

The Nursery children enjoyed a visit to Wyevale garden centre. We were taken on a fantastic tour by Ian. We touched and smelt a variety of plants and flowers before planting our own tomato plants and flowers. Ian very kindly donated a selection of fruit trees to our school. We are looking forward to planting […]

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Lightwater Valley!

June 13, 2018

As an extra special treat for working so hard this year and putting 100% effort into their SATs, Year 6 went on a fantastic trip to Lightwater Valley theme park. They all had a brilliant day and went on lots of rides. Some of the rides went very fast and were quite scary but they […]

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Debating Competition

June 12, 2018

Well done to St Paul’s for winning today’s debating competition, held in the Council Chamber at Newcastle Civic Centre. Thank you to Lord Beecham for supporting this event. Our team did us proud and although not the overall winners, they did win their debate. Very well done.

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