Calendar & News

Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.

School Calendar

Oliver Street Entrance

December 1, 2015

We would like to apologise for the ongoing issues with the water build-up covering the path which leads from Oliver Street. We have been in discussions with a number of contractors to try and rectify the situation. Yesterday we were informed that one of the contractors has developed a solution. We are pushing for this […]

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Children in Need Grand Total

November 24, 2015

We are delighted to announce we raised £541 for Children in Need. A massive thank you to everyone who donated!

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Parents’ Meetings & Book Sale

November 18, 2015

Good morning. Please note that parents’ meetings for Reception will take place in the Reception classrooms, Nursery will take place in the Nursery classrooms and Year 1 in the Early Years Dining Hall. If your child is in Year 2 to 6, parents meetings will take place in the Gym. There will also be a […]

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Year 3 / 4 Visit the Discovery Museum

November 17, 2015

Photos of the visit can be found in the Events section of our website or by selecting the link below. Year 3 / 4 Visit the Discovery Museum

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Children in Need 2015

November 16, 2015

Click below to view some photographs from Pudsey’s visit. Children in Need 2015

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Kindness Week

November 16, 2015

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Children in Need

November 12, 2015

Various sales tomorrow for Children in Need. Biscuits – 20p Face painting – 50p Key rings and wristbands – 50p    

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Delaval Road Pedestrian Gate

November 9, 2015

Good morning Please note that due to the high winds, the pedestrian gate on Delaval Road, which accesses the new path around the car park, is closed this morning for safety reasons. If you usually use this gate, you can access the school through the main pedestrian gate higher up on Delaval Road and then […]

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Wuhan Delegation Visit

October 2, 2015

Next week we are lucky enough to be visited by children and staff from schools in Wuhan, China. During their stay they will visit Bridgewater and meet our wonderful children. Some chosen pupils and staff from Bridgewater will also accompany them on a tour of the north-east before finishing with a tea party here at […]

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Year 5 excited for PE!

September 29, 2015

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