Calendar & News

Bridgewater School news can be found here along with a calendar of events and holidays.

School Calendar


April 25, 2018

Some of the excellent displays that can be seen around school. Some capture the children’s learning, some highlight the activities & visits that have taken place, while others identify the characteristics needed to succeed.  

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Decorate an Egg Competition

March 29, 2018

Some fantastic & thoughtful entries as ever for the decorate an egg competition, with some great winners.               

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Family Cookery Club with HealthWorks

March 29, 2018

The Family Cookery Club have had a fab & informative few weeks working with Health Works Newcastle. We are grateful for their support, with the group trying a new recipe every week!                     

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World Book Day

March 14, 2018

Some of the fabulous costumes on show in Key Stage 2 for World Book Day last week. The children came dressed as either a book character or a word.

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Newcastle Building Society Charity Boardroom Challenge

March 14, 2018

Year 5 Giraffes had a visit from the Newcastle Building Society on Monday morning. This is their first step in a big competition that Bridgewater have the opportunity to take part in. This will involve work around planning a charity event for the chance to win money for the school to host this event. Giraffes […]

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Letter from the Minister of State for School Standards

March 6, 2018

We were delighted to receive this letter from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards, acknowledging the fantastic progress made by our children. Very well done everyone.

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Bridgewater’s Book Day

March 5, 2018

We know the children were looking forward to dressing up last week so Bridgewater’s Book Day will take place this Thursday, 8th March. Here is one from a previous year.

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School Closure – Friday 2nd March

March 1, 2018

The decision has been made for the school to remain closed tomorrow. We will open as normal on Monday morning. Stay safe & enjoy the snow.

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