Year 4 – Honey Bees

Welcome to the Year 4 Honeybees class page! Our teacher is Miss Brady and we are supported by Miss Jones and Miss Crawford.

We always try to work hard in the Honeybees and have fun along the way too! Our days are very busy and exciting. Throughout the year we will continue to learn our instruments with In Harmony, have weekly PE and swimming lessons and continue learning Spanish with Mrs Bennaceur.

Miss Sharratt will teach us weekly RE and PSHE lessons.

In English we usually base our learning around a text. This year we will explore a range of books including: ‘The Frog Prince Continued’, ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’.


In Maths, we will continue to use all four operations and are developing our problem solving and reasoning skills. Times-tables are a big focus in Year 4 and we are all aiming to get our gold badge. Don’t forget, all Year 4 children will do an online assessment of their times tables knowledge in the summer term. We use Times Tables Rockstars online to help with our speed and fluency. 

In Science we are looking forward to carrying out lots of investigations and learning about Sound, Electricity, Living Things and the Digestive System.

We will continue to develop our history skills around our Enquiry Based Learning questions:

  • What was significant in each prehistoric time period and how did life change? (Stone Age to Iron Age)
  • What was the impact of the Anglo Saxon settlement in Britain?
  • What was it like being a Viking?

We will continue to be geographers and develop our compass and map reading skills. We will have a focus study on Norway and will learn about how countries differ around the world depending on their location.

We will continue to develop our Art skills through looking at Autumn Art, a range of European artists and insect art.

In DT we will develop our design and creation skills to make a light up project and a mini greenhouse. We will learn about seasonal food and design and make a simple meal.

In Computing will work on our word processing skills, computer programming skills using a Lego robot and use different programs and techniques to become animators. We will revisit and continue to learn about being safe online.

We always try to bring our reading folders into school each day so that we can read in class every day.

We have been set a challenge of trying to read 100 books before leaving Year 4. Who will read the most?


Year 4 Parent Pamphlet – Autumn 2024